Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More strange Fruits

Dragon fruit,

Some strange dead shell of a fruit found along the ground, I think it actually came from a meteorite and something that spells doom for our race might be on the loose. (can you say cloverfield anyone)

These are a couple pictures of recent patients of mine, I think I left them on the electrical stimulation machine too long, they seem- I dunno- emaciated a bit. Good news for me it is easier to identify skeletal misalignment's.

Monday, September 29, 2008


SO I ran into my old friend Samuel L Jackson on the fine streets of China Town late the other not.

I begged him to delivery some lines...

He told me I was one charming mother fucking pig.

and that I would soon know his name was the lord or something like that.

Then I saw him begging for change and wondered if he was preparing for his next role.

Shortly after this picture, I witness him in a back alley with one of those large Chinese style barbeque ducks in his hands, it's carcass and been ripped clean of meat except for it's head, I shouted.

I'm Tired of these Ducks on this God-dammned plane,

his reply was to eat the head of the duck.

I turned in horror and heard bones crack.

when I looked back he had silver hair and he was fighting Hayden Christianson and keeping him from escaping through a wormhole in the back of a chinese restaurant.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Here are some pics of my friend Suzanna, for those who don't know her- we went to high school together and have not seen each other in 14 years, we have kept in contact sporadically in between times of her disappearences which i usually fear are her kidnappings since she is from Mexico City, Mexico.

She compares herself to a cockroach in that after the nuclear winter two things will survive

1. cockroaches
2. Mexicans

She alludes to the fact that Mexican's have inherited a strong immune system since they deal with pollution and environmental poisons that could in fact leave them at an advantage should the world teeter on the brink.

Like I alwasy say "A day without a Mexican...."

Anyways, we had a great time, she looks basically the same, maybe better than she did during High School.

Mother, don't worry she slept on an Air mattress everynight.

She had a good time as well except, she was a bit rushed due to the busy hectic life I lead. (jokes) She had the good fortune of being able to hang out with one of my friends while I was busy at work everyday, but this friend can be tough sometimes- tough on the ears if you get my drift.

As usual it was fun to have some around, I always like to have people to feed so it gives me an excuse to cook a lot. She can testify to my breakfast abilities.

The highlight of her time was probably last weekend when My roomate- celebrated her 32 birthday. it was a weekend full of authentic Thai cuisine, and Suzanna and I got to help in the preparation and tasting of the food.

My roomates cousin is like an event planner and should be a caterer, the amount of food was re god dam cock ulous,

green curry
tom yum
chicken satay
pork satay
Pad tse u?
Bubble Tea
varying salads and noodles
Curry ToFu
couple different rices
dipping sauces to die for.

I have basically been eating leftovers for a week.

Great Party probably 30 people at our house.

I manned the grilled and cooked all the satay, basting each tiny morsel with coconut milk, which I pumped from my left mammary glands during cooking. ( checking if your reading)

I played the Ukalali SP? and sang some songs,

we made Mojitos and I was feeling very good, until everyone wanted a mojito and we ran out... :(

After that a bunch of us went to this Jazz club, called the Jazz Mind, which is funny cuz it sits between a Sex shop (selling videos and toys) and a Sex Club (selling you the view and the promise of sex).

Also funny because Saturday's are the reggae nights. It was fun. Danced a little started a small version of the thunder clap. Made love to a hot Jamaican chic on stage (actually just made scary stalker eye contact with her most of the night) A cab had to take us home. Patron made an appearance.

She left yesterday, I'm alone again. (just kidding, being melodramatic)

Doing Laundry and preparing for a long week of work, trying to get ahead.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Here is a few pics of a nice piece of enjoyment from Hawaii.

an asian pear...not sure if it is a frankenfruit or not. Ya know those cross breeds like brocolini...

An apple and a pear, not sure but I think it has another name.

Well regardless it is a huge monstrocity that looms over my coffee. It costs anywhere from 3.80 a lb to as low as like 1.60 a lb.... so sometimes your paying like 5 buck for a piece of fruit. Juicy watery mild pear flavor with a mushy fleshy refreshing goodness. It is more than a snack, it is an experience.

Here is one for you enjoyment. It comes covered in it's own white foam material mesh covering, a cushion if you will, keeps it bruise free and perhaps makes it more special and allows it to garner such costs.

It is my fruit of choice here. (I'm a big bosch pear fan and it's similar but better)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Lychee Martini's

Good friend of mine.

sweet pasty penecillin of ills after a long week.

the scary looking fruit is red, crimson red, with spikes horny, Looks like a disected testicle , but tastes like a sweet piece of scallop lightly cooked and firm and fleshy. I know this really sounds appetizing.

It is nice, though.

Blend em with Ice and very nice too. Fresher the better.

So, I watched at Breakfast, the downfall of Tom Brady. it was like hey there is my veggie omelete, ah tastes pretty good, could you pass the salt and "Oh my God, brady is done for the season, I think I just saw Joe Thiesman go down.

730am....had to have a few shots of Jameson... spent the rest of the day at the beach, a new one near Kailua called Lanakai....really beautiful blue and green and sandy bottoms on that side of the island.

Played some Bocci ball in the Sand.

Awaiting another visitor in a few days which should be fun.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Words flow like a rusty old broken faucet delivers water- there are none. This I come to expect from the ruff and gruff Korean lady with 3 names that all sound like some sort of strange body sound.

She greets me with nothing.

"Hi My name is David Gordon, I am your physical therapist, it is a pleasure to meet you" I extend my hand.

There is no reach, no thought of reaching, no thought of extending my hand. I have insulted her perhaps and her customs...?

I half bow, it is too late she has gathered her stuff and practically pushed me aside, she has made her decision about me....

but at least she accepts the appointment and heads for the rear treatment number letter A.... in this case for Anal Wind...but we will get to that later.

I start my eval, I talk I ask questions.



she points to her back and her knees...

there is no english


I ask questions like an idiot, she reaches for her phone....

I take a look out to the massage therapist and Mike and we are all laughing...

She holds this bright powder blue umbrella, I wonder what kind of shit she could do with it.

She wears old school Asian gear, I don't know the names but it's silky and with very ornate patterns...

she has caked on white makeup and ruby red lips stick her black eyes rip through me from behind sally jesse rapheal glasses, her hair is in a bun with the whole chopstick thing in her hair.

she is in her 70's walks hunched over and to the R. She limps like a bastard pirate with a wooden leg.

I get a couple answers from her sister who is on the cell phone now....

I just tell her to lay on the table.

3 treatments later, we barely communicate, some mild pleasentries but she is still looking at me like I gave a cross glance or something.

Until suddenly during an aggressive hamstrings stretch... she farts like a dude. big time gas man, big time.

She laughs.

She stops; I kinda ignore it. In my head and heart I'm dying but I ignore it.

At the end of this treatment, She has huge smile on her face and points a big ass finger at me...and says



and she is all smiles as she walks out the door with a little less limp in her step.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Quiet Storm

I have double and tripled efforts this week...

Proud to say my stroke has improved.

It was with much effort did I improve and lengthen my stroke, reaching deeper.

My swim stroke.

Best advice in awhile, "if you can't get your stroke down that put on the mask and snorkel and really just focus and concentrate on your stroke ya know slow it down, be the stroke". (alright that last part about being the stroke was made up)

Been getting into the Ala Moana Beach park and jogging and swimming- my own little biathalons lately. Feeling pretty good, still suck at running but it's getting better, I still can't believe someone I know goes 5 miles....

Things are speeding up at work.

New Owner

New Software

New Computers

New systems

New strategies

New Blog

New Website

New Copy Machine

New Massage Therapist

Days are Long, real long. always at least 10 hours for the near future...same gripes working more getting paid per patient dilemma...but whatever it's still a good deal.

With this, comes more unique opportunities and even more so than before I'm on the ground floor going up...

We have some big plans for the place and the business model, and then to repeat the Model in other practices. I really want to tap into the professional and personal development side of things, being more of a manager or clinical supervisor of the patients and help bring more knowledge and clinical or evidence based practices to the arena.

We want to grow, we want to run some classes, we want to start some outside consultation to the corporate world.....

So trying to do a million things at once, which is never good, but I think we've calmed down a bit and really tried to focus on priorities like the implementation of the software and computers...

theoretically in a few weeks I should be holding a tablet PC in my hands, while in the PT treatment room, jot down a few notes, pop up a progress note and all other documents and poof fax it where it needs to go and schedule patients for their appointments right there, while being plugged into everyone else on the Network of computers. Should Help quite a bit.

Unfortunately there will be a bit of a learning curve, but anything is better than some of the systems in place now.... we tend to step on each others toes needing the same things.. needing the schedule book, the phone, the fax.

But with this new responsibilities and a manager or boss who is not a physical therapist and suddenly the whole place being run through me....( ahhhhh ) I don't believe I will be able to return to Home in Mass for as long as I may have hoped...

I don't think I could do a 5-6 week home for the holidays extravaganza...

The other plan was to return home, perhaps for good, there was a possibility of something special with a lady..... was a possibility.

So I don't think that angle is going to fly...

I think it's dead.

In football Down and Distance Dictate Action.... that is the story for me at the moment. In terms of relationships and in terms of work...each a different down a different scenario unfolds.

So If I talk about this job about- sinking my teeth into the PT practice and improving myself in many ways.....it's First and Goal. That is a big spot to be. Feels like the right thing.

with a little Reluctant of course it's a bitter sweet deal being far away, but so much of what I want out of life is around me.....that is worth something.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

So I took it a little easy this weekend.

I only went out on Friday Night...

Awoke on a friend's couch with a steak n cheese in my hand, hot sauce burning my mouth.

Tequilla.....oh Jose Cuervo...it had this Li m'ui Hing spice embedded in it and frozen...well it really can't freeze.

it was so good.....

the head still hurts...

We had a little BBQ on that night, I ended up giving some strange lass an occipital release on the pavement, in the driveway.....(yeah I said release)

Weird moment actually I was doing a myofascial or almost cranialsacral technique and I felt some really intense negative feelings, and suddenly she starts going off about her horrible past in terms of love....it was a pretty intense feeling...

She was like I just have Never Loved someone less than they loved me...I haven't found someone who loved me like I loved them.

I told her it was the beer talking (because we had just killed her team in beer pong) ah to be young again.

can't believe it's September of 2008 by the way....10 year reunion for college...

Sorry I will miss that... :(

P.S. spots are filling up fast for guests at hotel del davie....september and october spots have been taken...

Little things

Bubble Tea...

Large Tapioca balls boiled, become chewy goodness...

Koreans make tea, kinda like a ice frozen green tea with these little boulders on the bottom... serve the drink with a huge straw....

the straw sucks the critters up and pop goes a couple boulders down the throat if your not careful.

chewy goodness, interesting how the asians love that chewy texture like Mochi.

Saw the movie Babylon A.D.

oh lord how terrible, some cool futuristic moments...

oh vin disel, how do you accept such shit of screenwriting, and then fuck it up even worse.

bankable star.

speaking of bankable stars.

Dustin Pedroia.....got to watch another game,

T-minus 4 days till Patriots game, at 7am....cannot wait to have some eggs beers and bacon and watch the Pats play. Such a great concept...games on at 7am rest of the day is yours.... still love that idea.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A few Sunsets

Shared a few sunsets.

One at a Lua

One at Halekulani, who puts on quite the nice Hawaiian show, with elegant performers of the hula, falsetto screams of ancient Hawaiian language about giant parties on the big island lasting for 30 days (of course they leave out the part about Human Sacrifice)

Great drinks....I mean dam snappy good pick me ups at the later stages of the day upon the fringe of Mediterranean blue skies and cobalt nights. Wax about the true Mai Tai, Not the super sweat stomach ache in a glass palpable head pain Mai Tai's that I was used to....also the Chi-Chi it is like the brother of the Pina Colada....and what a good refreshing brother he is....like a quiet Monk diligently transferring the word of god to papyrus....alright it's just good ok...

Nuuanu Trail,,, fun, made it to the top, but not the end of the trail we would have went too far....but well worth it...a hike and a dip a pleasurable day....preceded by the hanama bay.

P.S. I continue my Bro-mances with the Kids playing on that local ball team called the sox....Pedroia an animal, Jed Lugo Killing Lowrie, Jack, simple Jack ellsbury.