Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Job

So my boss sold the business...

but pretty much everything will stay as is for awhile.

This software designer/pest control/real estate investor/Argentinian ball room dancer has take over the reigns....

my former manager boss and PT is so happy to be out of the hassle of all the payments and billing and shit and headaches that go along with it.

I'm ok with it...except it's a bit harder because he has no idea what's going on for the moment and is having a bit of a time adjusting to phone calls and shit that need to be done, when to help, how to help, when to leave me alone, when to intervene.

But he has big plans....he wants to make it into more of a studio look and feel, with hard wood floors and the like.

He is working on purchasing and installing a whole system of software and a network with all this tablet PC's so we can go wireless and go paperless....all electronic (well as much as you can in a health care setting) whole new scheduling interface and all that good shit...

been working on some Ideas to run my own classes.....mainly a foam roller self stretch massage recovery class....and one for the LB focused on the core strength in the pelvis and shoulder girdle....

also will be meeting with a new client, private who wants to work with me on some sport specific training for baseball, he plays for division 1 School in california but lives in Hawaii and wants a new program...

I have been scrambling putting together some ideas and look at all sorts of DVD's and books to focus my attention to give him the best program catered to his specific needs and to give him a calender with a progression of exercises to follow....

actually kinda exciting stuff....Always have that passion for baseball.

well keep it up can rest when your dead.....

a statement made by one of my patients to me....he is 53 recovering from shoulder surgery and is basically an animal when it comes to working out....yeah that's exactly why his shoulder went out....but that's exactly why his shoulder is going to get better...he is impressive in that sense...and is very fun to train

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