Monday, September 1, 2008

A few Sunsets

Shared a few sunsets.

One at a Lua

One at Halekulani, who puts on quite the nice Hawaiian show, with elegant performers of the hula, falsetto screams of ancient Hawaiian language about giant parties on the big island lasting for 30 days (of course they leave out the part about Human Sacrifice)

Great drinks....I mean dam snappy good pick me ups at the later stages of the day upon the fringe of Mediterranean blue skies and cobalt nights. Wax about the true Mai Tai, Not the super sweat stomach ache in a glass palpable head pain Mai Tai's that I was used to....also the Chi-Chi it is like the brother of the Pina Colada....and what a good refreshing brother he a quiet Monk diligently transferring the word of god to papyrus....alright it's just good ok...

Nuuanu Trail,,, fun, made it to the top, but not the end of the trail we would have went too far....but well worth it...a hike and a dip a pleasurable day....preceded by the hanama bay.

P.S. I continue my Bro-mances with the Kids playing on that local ball team called the sox....Pedroia an animal, Jed Lugo Killing Lowrie, Jack, simple Jack ellsbury.

1 comment:

kilaueabart said...

"Shared a few sunsets.
One at a Lua"

Just nit-picking, but I bet you mean Luau. A lua is what you needed that fateful day in June, on Tantalus.