Tuesday, February 12, 2008

David Vs. The Jungle

So Where was I?

Oh yeah, ending down the trail, I pass a few little pretty waterfalls, small but cool, I had bathed in pouring water which was not smart in hindsight because of possible contamination.

So I finally come to the end of which is known as the Old Pali Hwy Trail and enter the Maunawili demonstration trail.

It goes slanting and jagging across the base of the Ko'Olau Mountain Range for about 10 miles.

I'm in some deep jungle kinda terrain, strange plants and vines and trees liter the muddy wet leaf covered narrow path.

It is slippery and challenging, it's subject to erosion and much of the trail is at an angle, so again I am pleased to have purchased super duty retractable shock absorbent hiking poles.

I slip once and realize, I must go step by step and just try to focus on landing my feet in proper position and the poles as well. Not that it is a super steep drop off but it is a nice slide down a jungle hill which I'd rather not have to get out of.

I pass a few streams that bisect the trail, it's curvy and hilly and so cool. Again the air smells and feels different, alive. I think I can smell faint Eucalyptus and I can feel random beams of sunlight cascading through gaps in the trees above. I turn off my technology so I can concentrate on the trail.

I come to a downed tree or two and it has created a thatch like blockade on the trail, I'm going to have to crouch and crawl through it. (sure I want to do that, somewhere inside a voice asks)

In the thatch a small grey cat like thing is moving digging into the earth. I stop dead and wonder, going through lists in my head of possible animals that would be out here and more importantly assessing the danger level. I think it's a cat, they have like cats that a feral or something like that, it's seemingly small and unassuming working the dirt, or is it eating something.

I wish I actually got glasses or contacts when I had the chance cuz really I can't even tell what the thing is. It is a dark charcoal cool Rhino colored grey-not furry, or at least I don't think.

I take a picture, you can barely make out the faint grey thing in the middle.

I try to get closer hoping for a good pic before I eventually scare it off...

that was the plan at least.

two more steps, no better vantage point.

one more step and I'm just at my comfort range with an unknown thing.

I have my camera ready.

It's like 10 feet away, I go, coolie co, coolie co or something like that.


I am off, no way am I waiting around for Momma to come around, I hear a loudy squeal and snarl...I feel like I'm in the movie Predator for a second or two and then I realize 1) I'm not and 2) I have no huge machine gun for protection, just hiking polls.

So I scamper my ass off down a ridge or two making sure I get a quick ground advantage before I turn to look.

The jungle is quiet except for my beating heart...and then my laughing out loud as I have to have a little conversation with myself regarding what exactly was I thinking of doing in terms of defending myself with my hiking sticks, practice a couple "just in case" defensive moves and I concede the rest of the trail to the damn pigs.

You'll see in the pics a couple of me trying to take pics and run at the same time.

Anyways I call Rog back and he's like, Do you need an evac or something like that, and i'm like I am so glad I called someone before I went....cuz the shit went down.



Doreen said...

Hey there city boy! Stay the hell out of the jungle. David's brain... "looks like a cat.. I think its a cat..oh it must be a cat" You know that boars only look like cats to blind men from Worcester! I would have paid big bucks to see the look on your face after the squeals! I bet you screamed like a girl, kinda like when Denise scared the shit out of you when she hid under your desk! (loved that prank)
I told you that glasses or contacts WERE a good idea! When will you learn to listen to me! I got quite the laugh out of your latest adventure and look forward to the next!
Anyway, it looks like you are making the most of the island, good for you!
Take care!

Tracy said...

Seriously Dave, what the F*** are you doing walking in the woods without someone to protect you. I can picture you screaming like a girl and running away from the pig. (FUNNY STUFF) Well I am glad that you made it out of the jungle alive.

Be safe