Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Paradise Park and Manoa Falls

So this is the morning I recieved the call to come on board of the private practice. It was interesting to note that through the magic of the IPHONE shuffle, the song

RAINBOW COUNTRY by Bob Marley came on right after the phone call of actually getting a job, and of course I was witness to a nice rainbow across the mountains towards the direction I was heading.

Cool little moment,

then I come upon the sign for Paradise Park and Manoa Falls and the whole enter at your own risk thing.

I park after passing a nice catwalk to the TreeTop restaurant, where I have to pay 5 bucks to park, I ask "what about a moped" the man suddenly can barely speak peave I hate that shit.

So I get going, again now prepared and all geared up. Hiking poles and all, I'm heading for a waterfall.

So the hike is rough, lots of rocks boulders mud streams inclines declines turns and it is generally fun.

I see lots of people on this trail including a few limping who have sprained ankles....shit...

again I turn into super focused concentrate on the next landing only...Pole 1. Pole 2. Leg 1. Leg 2. Repeat and I trudge up the trail.

Eucalyptus everywhere...only a faint smell though.

Banyan trees


No boars yet.... even though I pass a sign that read "pig control in effect Wednesday's and Sundays. Wear bright clothing"

Glad it wasn't wednesday or sunday. I'll be the guy in the news killed by Pig hunters.

So I get to the top and the reward is a tall skinny waterfall, perhaps a tad bit disappointing, I've never seen a waterfall before, not a big one... and although it was tall and loud and cool, it was a tad bit small sense the descriptions in the guide are more impressive.

But I take it in.

I head up a side trail...Ahumanalli or something like that, it is even harder than any of the other trails....I only get so far before I have to turn around because my new boss wants me in that day.....

But yet another one of those moments.

Really funny to see a newlywed couple in flip flops and touristy clothing going up the trail. Most people were like that, and I was glad every step for actually being prepared for once.

By the way,

I got my five bucks back....

yeah what, english what

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